Last Updated on 30 May 2024
Let’s start with a brief introduction and then find out what to see in Savoca. It is a small village of less than 2,000 inhabitants made famous by the movie “The Godfather.” Its name comes from “savucu”, translated “elder” a fragrant plant very present here, together with citrus groves, vineyards and pine forests. The first real urban settlement dates back to the Norman era in 1134 , a time when a castle / fortress was built, whose walls are visible today (The castle is not open to the public for the moment). Let us now find out what to see in Savoca.
Tip from Topsecretsicily: If you wish here you can book the Godfather guided tour and retrace the exploits of Michael Corleone.
What to see in Savoca
Il centro storico
Savoca should be toured with a lot of tranquility on foot to discover its beauties. Not to be missed the church of San Nicolò (13th century), built on a rocky outcrop, where the marriage between Michael Corleone and Appollonia and that of San Micheal (13th century). In the main square there is also the Trimarchi Palace , dating back to 1773 which houses the Vitelli bar , both places where other scenes of the Godfather were filmed. Also worth a visit is the Capuchin monastery, built in 1574, which houses the catacombs, mummified bodies of Savocesi nobles, still wearing the clothes of the time.

Top Secret Council: Pentifurri Street and Pine Grove Street.
Percorri via Pentifurri per ritrovarti in una stradina con una vista magnifica all’ombra di una foresta di fichi d’india. Inoltre a settembre è consigliato andare in via Pineta accanto alla caserma della forestale e percorrere il piccolo sentiero nel bosco. In questo mese infatti il sottobosco si trasforma in un tappeto di grandi fiori profumatissimi.
Sicily in miniature
Farther away from the historic center is the “Kontiland, artistic Sicily in miniature”. These are 1:40 scale reproductions of some of the main monuments in Sicily, faithfully reconstructed by a local artist. A very original idea, the result of many years of work. The works are exhibited outdoors, in a beautiful itinerary in the middle of nature and there is also a restaurant where you can eat good homemade food. Hours: Tue-Sun from 9 to 17. Ticket: 5 Euros.

Where to eat in Savoca
Two recommended places are the Osteria del Borgo, where to eat good traditional dishes and Il Sambuco Pane Condito. In the latter you can try one of the local specialties, the famous pani cunzatu “seasoned bread”.
Interactive map of Savoca – Points of interest in purple
To locate yourself once in the area, click on the enlarge symbol at the top right of the map.
Typical products of Savoca
The typical products and dishes of Savoca are baked mutton meat, cunzato bread and cuzzola a freshly fried pasta then roasted on charcoal. As for the desserts, try the granita ca ‘zzuccarata, that is the classic lime granita but served with a local biscuit, the zuccarata, crunchy and seasoned with celery seeds.
More tips on what to eat in the province there find here . Here you find the typical Sicilian dishes .
What to see in the surroundings
Savoca is located in the province of Messina. Here you will find listed the places to visit in Messina and surroundings .