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Last Updated on 30 May 2024

In this article you will find out what to see in Milazzo. With its port, it is the starting point for all those who wish to visit the Aeolian Islands. To that end here you can book boat tours from Milazzo to these magnificent little islands.

In Milazzo, on the other hand, there are also some really nice places to see; let’s find out which ones.

1. Capo Milazzo

One of the things to see in Milazzo is the tongue of land that points toward the Tyrrhenian Sea, Cape Milazzo. It is a corner, or rather a tip of paradise, a place that has fortunately been spared from wild concreteo. Since 2019 it has even become a protected marine reserve.

Here you can follow a walking trail throughout the reserve, walking through olive groves and prickly pear trees, skirting the sea and admiring the view of the Aeolian Islands in the distance. But as often happens in Sicily, as indeed a little throughout Italy, here not only natural beauties await you, but a lot of history and obviously good food.

How to get there and what to see

First of all, the advice is to make this small trip in the afternoon, mainly for 2 reasons. The first is that the sunset here is very beautiful, the second is that it is really so hot in summer. Also bring some fresh water, sneakers and / or beach shoes with you. The route is not that strenuous, but still you need to be equipped. To get there, it is recommended to take the provincial road SP72bis, which from Milazzo arrives at Capo Milazzo, along the sea. Here the view, unlike the other road that passes through interior streets, is much more impressive. Proceed by ‘car to the Sanctuary of St. Anthony at Capo Milazzo and park your car.

The sanctuary

What to see in Milazzo: Capo Milazzo - Sanctuary of St. Anthony
Sanctuary of Sant’Antonio, Source: By PT – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

The shrine is literally dug into the cave and was at the time a small shelter, later transformed around the 16th century into a full-fledged church. The name comes from the Portuguese missionary Fernando Martins de Bulhões, who became St. Anthony of Padua. The preacher was traveling with his ship from Africa and due to a storm, he found refuge in Capo Milazzo.

Capo Milazzo - Sanctuary of Sant'Antonio
Inside the Sanctuary of Sant’Antonio, Source: By Effems – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Inside the reserve

Once you have visited the sanctuary, you can return to the main road and walk towards the Capo Milazzo reserve. After a few steps you will find the directions and you will have to walk a small road between the typical prickly pears and olive groves.

Simply follow the path surrounded by nature and after about 20 minutes, you will find yourself in the beautiful Pool of Venus with the Aeolian Islands in the background. Here you can finally cool off, relax and sunbathe, or turn around and discover beautiful corners surrounded by nature.

Unfortunately, at some point you will have to slowly return and leave this beautiful place. But before doing so, go and see the remains of the sighting tower of Phoenician origin (It is located near the pool of Venus, in the path that runs along the sea). To return you can also follow the path right in front of the tower and then walk a few meters from the sea.

Capo Milazzo
Picture of Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Source: Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Prickly pears – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Pathway – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Olive trees – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Sea – Radiuk , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Rocks – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Capo Milazzo
Panorama- Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Pool of Venus, Capo Milazzo
Venus pool – Davide Mauro , CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

2. Milazzo Castle

The second thing to see in Milazzo is the castle. It is located in the fortified citadel of Milazzo, which is the largest in Sicily with its 7 hectares of extension. Just think that more than 6,000 years of history are enclosed within its walls! In fact, prehistoric, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Norman, Swabian Spanish, Austrian and English settlements have been found here.

Unfortunately there is not always a guide available, but the citadel has recently been restored and the services have also improved. You can then also walk around without a guide (Calculate at least 2 hours) and inform yourself through the signs provided. Also recommended to visit the sea museum, where the skeleton of a sperm whale found on the beaches of Milazzo is put on display, and the storyteller’s workshop.

Tip from Topsecretsicily: If you wish here you can book a guided tour of the castle and the wonderful Tindari.

Milazzo Castle
From outside – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
Above the hill – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
Inland and sea – Davide Mauro , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
View – Effems , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
Capo Milazzo from afar – Davide Mauro , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
Facade – Davide Mauro , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
Entrance – Wilson44691 , CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle
Inside the castle Davide Mauro , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Milazzo Castle, museum
Sperm whale skeleton, museum

Interactive map – What to see in Milazzo marked in purple

To locate you once in the area, click on the zoom symbol on the map at the top right.

Typical products of Milazzo

Milazzo is located in the province of Messina. If you want to know the typical products of this province, here you can find advice on what to eat in Messina and surroundings .

Here instead you find in general instead i typical Sicilian dishes .

What to see around Milazzo

Milazzo is located in the province of Messina. Here you will find listed the places to visit in Messina and surroundings .
