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Last Updated on 19 April 2024

Between Lentini and Carlentini, small towns in the Syracusan hinterland, there are treasures rich in history, let’s go and discover them.

Archaeological area of Castellaccio

The fortress seems to have Norman origins, although it is not excluded that the first stronghold in this place was Greek .

In the past it was a real majestic stronghold , but due to 3 earthquakes and battles, which followed one another over the centuries, today only ruins remain . After the devastating earthquake of 1693 the castle was definitively abandoned. Over the course of time, given the state of neglect, the population therefore gave him the derogatory cast of Castellaccio.

But it certainly doesn’t deserve this name. Today you can walk inside the archaeological area a beautiful path in the middle of nature, to discover the ruins of the castle and beautiful views. It is also possible to go down the stairs and discover its basement.

Castellaccio - Lentini
Antreus93 , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Castellaccio - Lentini
Antreus93 , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Castellaccio - Lentini

Rock Church of the Crucifix – Carlentini

Near the Castellaccio there is the beautiful rock church of the Crucifix, a large cave full of 14th century frescoes, used by the nuns at that time as a place of worship .

Do you think that this place has been abandoned for a long time, but fortunately thanks to the commitment of local voluntary associations and with the collaboration with the FAI, it was possible to obtain a first restoration, started in 2018. Unfortunately, there are still no set times and / or days for visiting the place. It is therefore recommended to consult the Facebook page of the site to get information about it (When the place is opened, posts are published about it).

Rock Church of the Crucifix - Carlentini
Antreus93 , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Rock Church of the Crucifix - Carlentini
Antreus93 , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Rock Church of the Crucifix - Carlentini
Access road – Antreus93 , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Rock Church of the Crucifix - Carlentini
Ruins of the Cenobio – Antreus93 , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Archaeological area of Leontinoi

Here on the hills near Lentini there is an important historical testimony, the ancient Greek city of Leontinoi . It was founded in 729 BC by the settlers of Naxos but it was already inhabited by the Sicilians, of whom some traces remain. Today not much remains of Leontinoi apart from the foundations and fortifications, but the visit is nevertheless fascinating.

In some stone blocks used for the construction of the walls it is still possible to see engraved some letters of the Greek alphabet. It seems that they were used to distribute the tasks to the various teams of workers. In addition, you can observe remains of the ancient village of the Siculians, who inhabited this place before the Greeks, and rock-cut tombs. Everything is set in a beautiful natural and landscape context or, in fact, you will find yourself walking in a beautiful park among olive and almond trees, with a beautiful view of Mount Etna .

The end of Leontinoi at the hands of the Romans is very sad. It was in fact destroyed, all the men killed and women and children were sold as slaves.

Archaeological area of Leontinoi
Codas2 , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Archaeological area of Leontinoi
Archaic fortifications – Codas2 , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Archaeological area of Leontinoi
Clemensfranz , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Top Secret Tip : Do not miss the Archaeological Museum of Lentini, where you can observe the finds of Leontinoi and in general of the areas around Lentini. The museum collects evidence ranging from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages.

Interactive map of Lentini and Carlentini – Points of interest in purple

To locate yourself once in the area, click on the enlarge symbol at the top right of the map.

Typical products of Lentini and Carlentini

The typical products of this area are certainly the Sicilian blood oranges , which are grown in the surrounding countryside and the Lentini bread, obtained from a very laborious manufacturing process.

Lentini and Carlentini are part of the province of Syracuse. If you want to discover the typical dishes of the area, here you can find an article on what to eat in Syracuse and surroundings.

Here instead you find the typical Sicilian dishes and products in general.
